
Choosing the right product to sell on Jumia online (or Amazon, Konga etc) for High volume sales

Opening an account on jumia, konga , amazon, jiji etc then posting items for sale is pretty easy and straight-forward .  Becoming a successful jumia and online seller on the other hand is, not, so straight-forward .    This short article will give you some tips on finding good products that can make you money and avoid the dreaded “low sales volume” problem. After you start selling on jumia or other platforms you will notice that when you go to drop you sales you will see sellers that have sold many items daily; also there are sellers with low sales !   What makes that difference? Is it luck / prayers/ God/ planning ?  I think it’s a little of all these things put together. Tips from my Jumia seller account. 1`) Start by selling as many items you can easily get around you from grocery stores, markets etc. or your existing offline business. 2 ) Once you start selling.  You want to increase your sales volume steadily by  Adding more products Observing what other vendors are sellin

Grid Computing

     Grid Computing Introduction  Grid computing is a type of networking.  As opposed to  regular networking that focuses on communication between devices, grid networking focuses on tapping unused processor cycles, storage and other resources between many computers to solve complex problems, that can't be solved by single computers.  These networks can contain millions of computers. Definition: " A computational grid is a hardware and software infrastructure that provides dependable, consistent, pervasive, and inexpensive access to high-end computational capabilities." -- Dr Ian Foster (Argonne National Laboratory & University of Chicago) explains in his article "What is the Grid? A Three Point Checklist". Grid networks  usually require special software to connect the many computers in the network.  Grid networks are used for projects that involve huge amounts of data and processor cycles. They harnesses unused processor cycles of member PC such as "sc

Getting Your baby Pictures online

  If you don’t enjoy writing or blogging, baby pictures really CAN say a thousand words and they definitely provide the best way to keep memories of your precious baby.    Online photo albums provide a great way to stay in touch with loved ones, show pictures of your baby to people who live far away or to simply to keep an album for yourself.   Websites like,,, and countless others provide many options to post and edit baby pictures and you can sometimes also upload videos too.     If, like many parents you enjoy taking pictures of your baby (and who doesn’t), online photo sites like and are free, fun and easy to use and can save you the trouble of emailing large picture files over and over to friends and family.   Flickr and Photobucket both allow you to upload virtually unlimited photos and you can make the pictures public or private through the website settings.   Some extra features on Photobucket i

Lost Literary Treasure - Allan Quatermain

          Wow,  For the past 2 months, I've literally been reading all the Quatermain books I can find and the series is really quite good but sadly not very popular anymore.           Almost as the good as the Holmes series and a superior precursor I think to the Tarzan series (which gets very repetitive after the first book).  Anyway if you like action / Fiction you should definitely read or reread this series.  Really Good !!

Overrated Movies that actually Suck !!

Guardians of the Galaxy -- So Boooring Dark Knight Trilogy  -- Uggghhhh John Wick… Star Wars ?? Bourne Trilogy ?? Wonder woman...meh Under appreciated Movies Green Lantern John Carter 47 Ronin - - I see only samurai here ! Punisher Warzone ( Recently rewatched ) Jonah Hex ( just watched in 2018) After the 3rd time watching John Carter I've decided it's not so bad after all (better than the novels even ?).  It seemed like it lost its plot first time I watched it but after comparing it to star wars lately, it seems better somehow, and most star wars movies are ok ? but also kinda boring/childish (I just finally watched all the movies lolz ).    GL was a movie probably misunderstood by nonfans and over budgeted etc etc.   Parallax was pretty cool I really wished there was a part 2.   47 R is a very sad/depressing story but it was pretty fun till the end.  There!! Had to get that off my chest, the “great” movies far above have been like a sore tooth to

A Vacationers Guide to Saving Money on your family vacation

My Latest Amazon Kindle eBook. A Vacationers Guide to Saving Money on your family vacation  Please click above link to check it out  


                            Is the frustration of seo really dead ???  What do you think.