
Showing posts from June, 2008

Lakeland 2008

Lakeland was pretty awesome this year. Lots of Good messages, I was there for part of sunday and returned on wednesday through thursday night. I returned to NSB very early Friday morning then hung out with out of town friends later that day and throughout the weekend. Service sunday was really good and some very needed moves moves were made. We played lots of vball, wii**, blitz** and also hung out. As a bonus, I even got to make and stay in touch with a few new friends I'd never really been able to hang out with much before, so that was definitely cool ;).

Lakeland 08 Pics

Lakeland was so awesome. Check back for new pics here . on McCain's Katrina Kerfuffle

McCain claims he "supported every investigation" into the government's role regarding the hurricane, when in fact he twice voted against an independent commission. The McCain campaign accused the Obama campaign of "tired negative attacks" for pointing out and documenting McCain’s gaffe. read more | digg story

Franchise Consultant Company of America

I met the owner of this site last month and really like the business plan. Franchise Consultant Company of America will help you to start a new business. Their goal is to help you find the business that is right for you. They want you to be happy and succesful in your decision. Visit their site for more details